Fiber optic cable damage renders all flight information screens at Gatwick useless

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A damaged fiber optic cable has prevented flight information from being shown on screens at British Gatwick airport since Monday morning. Instead, the airport uses whiteboards.

Reports on Twitter the British airport that damage to a fiber optic cable from provider Vodafone is the cause of the problems and that whiteboards are being used to inform travelers. According to the airport, thousands of passengers still departed on time.

An airport spokesperson told Business Insider that a “handful of travelers” missed their flights due to the non-functioning screens. Create different travelers on Twitter notification of the issues and the use of the whiteboards.

A Vodafone spokesperson reports that technicians are working to repair the cable as soon as possible. It is not clear when the problems are expected to be fixed.

London Gatwick is the second largest airport in the United Kingdom and is one of the five airports in the British capital. Only London Heathrow handles more flights annually than Gatwick.

Update, 6:48 PM: According to the BBC has informed the airport that the problems with the screens are now over.

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