Oculus accidentally leaves Easter eggs on Touch controllerscontroller

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Oculus made a mistake printing labels on Touch controllers, which resulted in prototype texts on the devices. As a result, the funny phrases have accidentally ended up with consumers.

Oculus founder Nate Mitchell reports this in a series of messages he posted on Twitter has put. The Oculus Touch controllers featured a number of funny labels for prototypes, with phrases such as “Big Brother is Watching” and “This Space for Rent”. These easter eggs should not have been on the consumer version of the Oculus Touch, but they ended up in it due to an error. This would have happened to tens of thousands of copies of the controllers.

It is not known what caused the easter eggs to end up on the consumer versions of the VR controllers; Mitchell gave no information about this. The Oculus CEO did state that the operation of the controllers has not been affected further, and the processes have also been adjusted so that this does not happen again.

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