The new iPhones receive support for dual sims
As we get closer to the announcement of the new iPhones, more and more details can be found about what to expect. After this week we also took a look at the outside of Apple’s new devices is now an internal detail as well as confirmed: there will come models that support two sims. It is a common complaint about iPhones of people who travel a lot across the border or have a business number that has not been resolved, but the latest version of the iOS 12 beta shows in the code that the option there coming.
The rumors were already there, but the code in the new, hopefully bug-free version of iOS clearly shows that in some models two SIM cards will fit. It was said that Apple would implement several sims via e-sim but that is not the case at the moment. The code refers to a second sim slot, so there will be two physical tickets in one or more versions of the iPhone. That in itself is nice for the people who like to see this, because the e-sims are not yet widely supported enough to work wherever the second SIM card is desired, namely Asia and Europe.
The new iPhones are presumably just like in other years in early September, so we are only six weeks away from the announcement. The surprise that we got last year with the iPhone X will not happen, so much is clear from the already leaked specifications and models. This is a year in which there is a lot going on behind the scenes, but there is little news for fans of Apple. If there is already a revolutionary change, it will not be visible until next year.