Apple confirms using drones to improve Maps

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Apple plans to use drones to improve maps of its Maps service. The company has permission to experiment with drones in the state of North Carolina. Intel, Alphabet, Microsoft and Uber are also allowed to test with drones.

Apple is part of one of ten projects that the US Department of Transportation has allowed to participate in a drone program. This allows organizations to test unmanned aerial vehicles and qualify for exceptions to existing Federal Aviation Administration rules, such as flying at night and flying over people.

Apple confirms to Reuters that it will test drones and blur images of faces and license plates upon publication. The company will partner with the state of North Carolina to create the aerial imagery to improve Maps.

Applications involving Intel, Microsoft, Airbus and Uber have also been honored for the program. Alphabet will conduct tests with Virginia Tech for its Project Wing, in which it develops delivery drones. FedEx also participates in delivery drones and other projects focused on infrastructure security and inspection.

Amazon and DJI were also involved in several of the total of 149 submissions, but none made it through. Joining the program can give companies an edge in developing services for the emerging drone sector.

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