Kickstarter project combines Lego with Arduino

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A Kickstarter project that has since achieved its goal is introducing its own mix of Lego and Arduino under the name Leguino. Actually, that’s a pretty obvious combination, reminiscent of Lego Technic.

On the project page, creator Urs Streidl reports that the blocks contain components that are compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi. The building blocks can also be used with actual Lego bricks. In addition, there is the so-called Visuino software, which makes it possible to develop programs based on drag and drop of various parts of the code.

There are several Leguino blocks on display, such as one with USB and power ports based on an Arduino Uno. There are also blocks with an LCD or an OLED screen, with a motor, a switch, a button, a light sensor or an infrared transmitter and receiver.

The target of 1254 euros has now been amply achieved and delivery of the first parts is expected in September or October. A set of 15 building blocks costs around 110 euros.

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