Rumor: New Battlefield Game Set in World War II

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According to GamesBeat, part of the website VentureBeat, the next Battlefield title is set in the setting of World War II. The website reports this based on anonymous sources who are said to be familiar with Electronic Arts’ plans.

According to a screenshot leaked via Reddit, the latest game in the Battlefield series will be named Battlefield V. With this, the new game could possibly become the spiritual successor of the 2013 game Battlefield 4, even though the latter game takes place in the current time. and not in World War II. GamesBeat has asked EA for comment, but so far the publisher has not said anything.

EA announced at the end of January during the quarterly results announcement that a new Battlefield game will be released in October this year. The publisher did not provide any further details about the shooter at the time, but only said that Dice is developing the game.

At the end of last year there was already a rumor that the next Battlefield game would be set in World War II. Before that, there was a rumor that the latest game in the Battlefield series would be Bad Company 3; should that game be in the works, it seems unlikely that the release will take place in 2018.

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