Xbox One gets Do Not Disturb mode with update

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Microsoft is adding a Do Not Disturb mode to all Xbox One consoles. That’s happening with an update that Xbox Insiders users will get this week. The mode suppresses notifications and informs contacts that the user does not want to be disturbed.

The Do Not Disturb mode is in the update for the Alpha ring from Xbox Insiders, Microsoft reports. The mode allows players to focus on a game without getting distracting notifications. The mode is an online state.

In addition, Microsoft is adding a way to switch between the light and dark theme based on the time of day, allowing users to use a dark interface at night, while the console shows the lighter version during the day. The update also adds a feature to see which achievements in games the player is closest to.

Microsoft emphasizes that these and other features for Xbox Insiders may still change before they reach a stable release. When that will be is as yet unknown.

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