Download DBeaver 23.3.5

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Version 23.3.5 of DBeaver has been released. This program allows databases to be managed. It can, among other things, execute queries and display, filter and edit data. Support for well-known databases, such as MySQL, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Firebird and SQLite, is available. It is available in an open source CE version and three different commercial ones performances. These add support for various nosql databases, such as MongoDB, Apache Cassandra and Apache Hive, and include additional plugins and jdbc drivers. The changelog for this release looks like this:

Changes in DBeaver version 23.3.5:

  • SQL Editor:
    • Syntax highlighting was improved
    • Highlighting in nested queries and on query editing was fixed
    • Scrolling with opened Outline was fixed
    • Applying settings to Outline was fixed
    • Order by i.* was supported in Outline
    • Joined tables presentation in Outline was fixed
  • AI: Ability to send object descriptions to OpenAI was added
  • Data Editor:
    • Scrolling multiple tab result was improved. You can scroll all result sets using Ctrl
    • Fetch next page shortcut was changed to CTRL+ALT+N
  • ER Diagram: Connections rendering was improved
  • Data transfer:
    • The Proceed button at the last step became more visible
    • On conflict expression was added to INSERT statements
    • Crash when importing CSV file was fixed
    • Extra space before the semicolon in export to SQL was removed
  • General:
    • Close idle connection setting saving was fixed
    • Application launch was improved
    • Unexpected transaction ending was fixed
    • Settings are applied to new connections without a restart
    • User credential dialog was fixed
    • Issue with the background task of the dashboard update was fixed
    • Temporary directory creation was fixed
  • Security: Added warning when trying to open an encrypted project and risk losing all connection credentials
  • New driver:
    • StarRocks database support was added
  • Databases:
    • MariaDB driver was updated to version 3.3.2
    • Oracle:
      • Keywords and schemes highlighting was improved
      • Default subpartition type was added
    • PostgreSQL:
      • Creating a new table from the user interface was fixed
      • Duplication of procedures was fixed
    • Snowflake: VIEW keyword highlighting and validation was improved
    • SQL Server: syntax highlighting was fixed
    • Sybase:
      • Stored procedure creation was added
      • Using create view instead of Alter view was fixed
      • Import with table mapping was fixed
  • Localization:
    • French translation was updated (thanks to @Jean-BaptisteC)
    • Babel version was updated

Version number 23.3.5
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, macOS, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
Website DBeaver
License type Prerequisites (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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