Skyrim gets paid Survival Mode

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Bethesda is going to release a survival mode for Skyrim through its Creation Club. The difficult game mode will be free for the first week, after that you have to pay. How much is not yet known. The mode is currently free to play on PC in beta.

In the survival mode of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, hunger, fatigue and weather conditions play an important role. There is no health regeneration, players must use potions and food to recover. Also, ‘fast travel’ is disabled and players can carry fewer items with them. The mode is otherwise independent of the game’s difficulty setting.

With survival mode enabled, the player character will get hungry over time. That affects stamina and ability to use weapons. Food that is cooked first restores more of the stamina. Players can also get food poisoning if they consume raw meat.

Fatigue plays a role when using potions, which are less effective when the character is tired. Also, the amount of magic available decreases, as does the extent to which magic and stamina regenerate. These limitations can be solved by sleeping in the game.

Characters walking around in rainy or snowy areas get cold. This comes at the expense of health, movement speed and the ability to crack locks and roll bags. If the cold gets too much, it can result in death. Players can warm up by standing by a fire, among other things.

Bethesda provides a detailed explanation of the mode on its website. In this, the game maker writes that the mode will be free to play for a week. It is not yet clear how much will be paid afterwards. Survival mode is coming to both the PC version and Skyrim on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. By choosing to participate in beta versions on Steam, Survival Mode can already be tried. It is not yet known when the final version will be released.

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