Sony mistakenly put full version of Undead Knights on PSN

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The full version of Undead Knights for the PSP accidentally appeared on PlayStation Network. It was intended to only offer a playable demo, but Sony made a mistake, which has since been corrected.

The full version of the PSP title Undead Knights was mistakenly posted to the PlayStation Network as a download last week, so reports Destructoid. The intention was only to make a demo available. However, due to a mistake by Sony, the full version was released, while publisher Tecmo had not even released the final code of the game yet. The error has now been corrected. Destructoid suggests that Sony’s busyness around the introduction of the PSP Go and a large number of downloadable games is the cause of the error.

Undead Knights is an action game played in the third person. Defeated opponents are transformed into zombies that can be used to complete tasks for the player. The game is in the US and unreleased and should be released in Europe in early 2010.

Video (UndeadKnights_Trailer.flv)

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