Download iTunes Store file validator beta

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There is an open source project on Sourceforge called iTunes Store file validator. This is an add-on for Apple iTunes and can be used, as the name secretly gives away, to manage files in this program. For example, iTSfv can automatically find and add information to the song, including album art, track number and genre. Furthermore, it can also download lyrics from Lyricswiki, automatically rate songs based on your playing pattern, and generate a ton of statistics about your music library usage. More information about this program is in this topic on Hydrogenaudio. Version beta of iTSfv was released a few days ago and it comes with the following changelog:

Changes in iTSfv:

  • Saving iTunes Store track artwork crashed iTSfv on new systems where Options were never configured [Rocket Man]
  • Removed CustomPlaces from SaveFileDialog. Saving iTunes Store track artwork crashed iTSfv in some systems that did not have at least .NET Framewokr 2.0 SP1 installed [Rocket Man]
  • Clipboard data in Selected Tracks can now be optionally sorted
  • Option to automatically restore missing user.config from Settings folder is now disabled by default to prevent rare startup problems
  • Status Bar messages and Progress are handled by a separate background worker
  • Manually search iTunes Music Store to save Artwork, using Tools > iTunes Artwork Grabber
  • Save iTunes Artwork from selected track in iTunes Music Store
  • Submit Bug Report did not work on instances where Submit Bug Report Dialog was not shown
  • Statistics window is now sizable and maximizable
  • Tracks in a disc are now validated in a reverse order to show a track count down in the secondary status bar
  • Application now has two status bars to show separated status for per disc tasks and per track tasks [NearlyGod]
  • Fixed iTunes bug where Capitalization of AlbumArtist tag would detach the first track or the last track from the album [NearlyGod]
  • Ability to move folders without any audio files, to Recycle Bin; these folders are indexed in Logs\folders-yyyyMM-no-audio.txt
  • GUI Relocation in Options for better access. TabControl (Rating, Cleaning) in Options – Library has been moved to OneTouch – Library
  • Advanced tab in Main window is renamed to “OneTouch” and introduced OneTouch Options
  • Folders with only one file will be indexed using TreeGUI as part of removing empty folders
  • Ability to remove empty folders from Advanced – File System

[break] Click on the image for a larger version.

Version number beta
Release status Beta
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista
Website SourceForge
File size


License type GPL
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