Download Paint.NET 3.30 beta 2

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The second beta release of 3.30 was released on Friday. This photo editing program owes its name to the fact that it is developed in C#, and version 2.0 of the .Net Framework is therefore required to run the program. is in terms of functionality between the Paint included with Windows and professional commercial programs such as Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop. Upgrading can be done from within the program itself, or there is a 1.51 megabyte web installer available this page are downloaded. Here’s what’s changed in the program since the first beta release:


  • Most effects and adjustments, including plugins that use IndirectUI, have been visually refreshed. The new look is cleaner and more compact. These changes are shown in more detail here.


  • Thumbnails for PDN images now include transparency, which improves their appearance in Windows Vista.


  • For developers, added a Color Wheel control to IndirectUI for use in effect plugins.
  • For developers, added ability to customize certain properties of the effect configuration dialog via IndirectUI.

[break] Click on the image for a larger version.

Version number 3:30 beta 2
Release status Beta
Operating systems Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista
Website Paint.NET
File size


License type Prerequisites (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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