Ticketmaster wants to enable ticket control via ultrasonic sound

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Ticketmaster is in the process of integrating ultrasonic technology into its ticket control systems. Visitors can check in to events by broadcasting ultrasonic sounds through their smartphones. The technology is called Smart Tone and is being developed by Lisnr.

Ticketmaster’s new ticket control system with ultrasonic sound technology is called Presence, writes VentureBeat. The introduction takes place in collaboration with the company Lisnr, which develops the technology. Ultrasonic sounds emitted by smartphones allow attendees to check in and identify themselves at events without using physical or digitally scannable cards. Lisnr claims that this technology is more secure and cheaper than nfc authentication, which is already being used for card checks.

The ultrasonic signals are sent at frequencies between 18.75kHz and 19.2kHz, which are too high for most people to perceive. The signal contains the unique personal identification code that belongs to the purchased ticket; receivers at the entrance can pick up on this, so that visitors can walk straight through. The ticket check would take about two seconds.

Founded in 2012, Lisnr claims that their Smart Tone technology is more resistant to fraud than traditional cards. Also, no internet or bluetooth connection is required for verification. The broadcast of map information also makes it possible to offer visitors personalized content, depending on their location on the event site. Ticketmaster further wants to enable visitors to make payments using the Smart Tone authentication.

Lisnr previously used the technology to enable so-called ‘passive’ check-ins during Techstars FounderCon 2016, an event the company organized with its marketing platform Splash. A Lisnr spokesperson tells VentureBeat that the partnership with Ticketmaster is the largest business deal it has made to date.

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