Download Mozilla Client Customization Kit 1.0

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Bossboefje leaves the following in the submit: “Mozilla today released version 1.0 of the Client Customization Kit (also called CCK). This customization kit makes it possible to modify a Firefox installation file in such a way that, for example, system administrators can create a Firefox installation can create extensions, themes and settings pre-installed.” The Client Customization Kit is available via this page or download this link as an extension. After the extension has been installed, the CCK Wizard can be started via the ‘Tools’ menu and the wizard is activated with which an xpi file is created. With this xpi file it is then possible to provide other Firefox installations with the custom settings. The developers have included the following features in Client Customization Kit 1.0:

The Firefox 1.5 CCK can be used to create an extension that customizes Firefox. It allows the following customizations:

  • Add identifer to the user agent string
  • Change the default home page and startup override home page
  • Change the title bar text
  • Change the animated logo
  • Change the web page and tooltip used for the animated logo
  • Add a help menu item that links to a web page
  • Provide sites for which popups and XPInstalls are allowed by default
  • Preinstall browser plug-ins
  • Pre-install search engines
  • Add folders, bookmarks and live bookmarks to the personal toolbar
  • Add folders, bookmarks and live bookmarks to the bookmarks folder
  • Set default preferences
  • Lock preferences
  • Add registry keys (Windows only)
  • Add certificates (See NOTE below)
  • Set default proxy configurations
  • Package other XPIs with your distribution
  • Disable about:config

Version number 1.0
Website Mozilla
File size


License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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