Super Mario Odyssey gets co-op where second player can control Mario’s cap
Super Mario Odyssey, an upcoming game for Nintendo Switch that was unveiled by Nintendo on Tuesday at the E3 games show, has the option for a second player to control Mario’s cap in a local co-op mode.
Mario’s cap is called Cappy and a second player can take on the role of Cappy via one of the Joy-Con controllers and control the magical cap, while the other player controls Mario. The cap can fly freely in co-op mode, collect objects and take out enemies, and is resistant to damage. The second player can also control the camera.
Apart from the co-op mode, one player can also use both Joy-Con controllers to use Cappy. Detaching the two halves of the Joy-Con allows a throwing motion with the right hand to throw the cap away. But there is more; if both Joy-Cons are moved to the left at the same time, Cappy will circle around Mario, hitting anything that comes close along the way.
Super Mario Odyssey is the first truly new Mario game for the Switch. Nintendo deviates considerably from the self-created formula in terms of gameplay; Virtually nowhere is the classic gameplay of running and jumping to dodge enemies and overcome obstacles. While the camera is usually behind Mario, there is also a part where the game seems to play like a classic sidescroller. Super Mario Odyssey features an open world, and Mario must occasionally perform quests and search for clues. The game will be released on October 27.
Impression of the co-op mode where a second player can control Mario’s pet
Replay: Preview of Super Mario Odyssey