Download EditPad Lite 7.4.1

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JGsoft has released version 7.4.1 of its free text editor EditPad Lite. This program is not intended for programmers, who should use EditPad Pro, RJ TextEd or Notepad++. This is more of a replacement for the Notepad that comes with Windows. Unlike Notepad, EditPad Lite can open an unlimited number of files in the same screen, has no limit on the size of files to open, and the number of undos and redos is unlimited. EditPad Lite 7 is still free, but businesses can now also purchase a license if there is no need for all extras that the Pro version offers. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:

Bug fixes:

  • Clip Collection: If AceText crashes or becomes unresponsive, EditPad now silently abandons its connection with AceText instead of spewing an infinite stream of “the RPC server is unavailable” errors.
  • Forum: Splitter positions in forum are not preserved when restarting EditPad.
  • Preferences|System: Turning on the option to erase history lists stopped the search panel from saving its search term but did not erase the previously saved search term, if any.
  • Regex: Quantifiers on literal line breaks counted CRLF as two iterations instead of one iteration.
  • Regex: Quantifiers on literal line breaks were highlighted as errors.
  • Search: Whole words only searches are now consistent between forwards searches, backwards searches, and match highlighting.
  • Spell check panel scaled itself twice to high DPI monitors, causing the buttons to be enormous and the list of suggestions to be obscured by them on very high DPI monitors.
  • Windows 10: Closing EditPad when it is not maximized and with the left or top edge of the window touching the left or top edge of the desktop caused it to start up slightly wider or taller next time (7.4.0 only).

Version number 7.4.1
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website JGsoft
File size


License type Freeware/Paid
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