Presentation of ARM Cortex-A75, -A55 and Mali G72 GPU appears online

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ARM will present the Cortex-A75 and Cortex-A55 microarchitectures on Monday. The British processor architecture maker also shows the Mali G72 gpu during its ARM Tech Day. This is apparent from slides of the presentation, which were published online on Friday.

According to the slides, put online by VideoCardz, the Mali G72 GPU is 25 percent more efficient and the successor to the G71 offers up to 1.4 times the performance. The GPU is said to be suitable for mobile VR and supports techniques such as foveated rendering. Samsung uses the current G71 GPU in its Exynos 8895 soc for the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus. Huawei also uses the GPU in its high-end Kirin-socs.

The Cortex-A75 is the new microarchitecture for high-performance cores. This should be about 20 percent faster in smartphones than socs based on the A73 architecture. ARM shows a Geekbench score in which the A75 achieves a score that is 34 percent higher than the A73.

The slides also show the Cortex-A55, a microarchitecture for midrange-socs, as a successor to Cortex-A53. The Geekbench score is 21 percent higher according to ARM, while efficiency is said to have increased by 15 percent. Cortex-A55 cores can be used in multiple configurations, for example in an octacore setup.

There are already several socs that use eight Cortex-A53 cores, but they consist of two clusters of four cores each. Real octacores are also possible with the new A55 architecture. The slides also show how the new cores can be applied in the DynamIQ setup. ARM presented it earlier, as a successor to its big.Little configuration.

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