Download Miro 4.0 beta 1

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The Participatory Culture Foundation has released the first beta release of version 4.0 of Miro. Miro is an open source, cross platform, high definition media streamer, downloader, player and podcast client. The program contains a limited number of channels by default, but these can easily be expanded with your own sources. It is also possible to use the Miro Guide, which contains thousands of channels. More information about the possibilities of this program can be found on this page and here there is a short video showing Miro in action. The main improvements made in version 3.5.0 are listed below, but the release notes also show a long list of bug fixes.

New features

  • History page … what did I just play?
  • Offer to add iTunes music library as a watched folder
  • Creating a new Playlist should not change right-side context
  • extension system
  • Add a menu item to ‘Import Media’
  • Add shuffle/repeat playback options
  • Add autodownload configuration in options
  • Impossible to delete a video without mouse during playback
  • Copy video url should always be active
  • Add support for magnet links
  • Move download stats to bottom of view
  • Video controls look disabled
  • Extend context menu for items for copying url
  • Select urls from feed settings dialog
  • Add a watched / unwatched filter option to feeds
  • No way to clear last search result
  • Support Amazon Download Store
  • IPv6 capability
  • Remove -git checking; add app.debugmode
  • Build regression test system for feed parser
  • Make transferring to portable music player easier
  • Create widget for ‘rating’ metadata
  • Add dev menu
  • Save crash reports to a file on disk near the log files
  • Global preferences for showing / hiding podcast content in library tabs
  • Add “see crash report” button to crash reporter dialog
  • Add DHT support to Miro
  • Implement Import Media
  • (Linux only) no conversion – copies should have their own queue
  • (Linux and Windows only) video control bar fullscreen autohide behavior
  • (OS X only) new volume slider

Version number 4.0 beta 1
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, Windows XP, macOS, Windows Vista
Website Participatory Culture Foundation
License type GPL
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