‘Europol wants to request personal data from companies itself’

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In preparation for the revision of Europol’s legal regime, the body would like to have more powers. For example, Europol wants to be able to independently exchange personal data with companies such as Facebook.

This is reported by the German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel. The rulings are based, among other things, on a draft of a new Europol regulation that is available via the site of the British civil rights organization Statewatch. De Tagesspiegel would also have seen other confidential documents.

The draft will empower Europol to request personal data directly from companies. Until now, this has been done through the Member States. In addition, the powers will be expanded so that Europol can also provide data to companies itself. An example is that an IP address is already known to Europol and that it is checked via Facebook which accounts are connected to it. Companies such as Google and Twitter could also exchange data with Europol in this way.

Europol says the new powers are “essential” to counter terrorist propaganda on the internet. The extension of powers is problematic because Europol traditionally has a coordinating role. Even now, the agency would carry out enforcement activities that go beyond its legal basis. Earlier this year, Europol announced a new division focusing on internet surveillance related to terrorist and extremist propaganda.

The timing of the request is related to the review of Europol’s legal basis. Work is being done on a European regulation that will serve as a new basis. Until now, Europol operates on the basis of a Council decision. The proposal for the new regulation also pays attention to enhanced parliamentary scrutiny and greater protection of personal data, and the processing of data is subject to the necessary safeguards.

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