Microsoft releases fix for screenshot bug in Windows

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Microsoft has released a fix for the so-called aCropalypse bug in Windows. This bug made it possible to retrieve or reconstruct cut-out info from images. The bug was also discovered in Android 10 earlier this month.

The fix is ​​Friday made available for the Snip & Sketch tool in Windows 10 and the Snipping tool in Windows 11. Both tools, and the bug fix, can be downloaded from the Microsoft Store. The fix ensures that cut-out information from screenshots or images cannot be retrieved from now on.

Microsoft assigned the vulnerability a low security risk. The company states that ‘unusual actions’ are required before any exploitation of data can take place.

The aCropalypse bug was discovered earlier this month in Android 10 by software engineer Chris Blume. He stated that the same exploit also works on Windows systems. Researcher David Buchanan confirmed the findings.

Snipping Tool Windows 11 aCropalypse

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