Respawn Entertainment opens new Apex Legends development studio

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EA subsidiary Respawn Entertainment opens its third studio in the US state of Wisconsin. The studio will focus on supporting the popular free-to-play shooter Apex Legends.

Respawn Entertainment reports that the new studio acts as an extension of the Apex Legends development team. The studio will be located in the American city of Madison. Ryan Burnett, who previously worked at Epic Games and Call of Duty developer Raven Software, will head up the new studio.

The new studio will initially focus on developing Apex Legends, but may also contribute to other Respawn titles in the future, says the company in an interview with It is the company’s third studio; Respawn started in California and opened a location in Vancouver in 2019.

Respawn Entertainment was opened in 2010 by Call of Duty veterans Vince Zampella and Jason West. In 2014, the developer released Titanfall, followed by a sequel in 2016. Apex Legends was released in 2019. It is a free-to-play battle royale game for PCs and consoles. Respawn is also currently working on a sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, which is scheduled for release at the end of April.

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