Download SSH Agent 1.1

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SSH Agent has arrived at version 1.1. This program is a GUI for the OpenSSH tools included with Mac OS X. So it lets you start the ssh agent, can create identities and add identities to agents. In addition, the ssh agent can be made global so that for example xcode can be used for version control and functionality is available to set up a secure tunnel. The release notes of version 1.1 can be read as follows:

Main changes

  • Conceptually, SSH Agent has changed from a window on the ssh-agent process to a ssh identity manager. This has the following consequences:
    • ssh identities are no longer treated as documents. Instead, SSH Agent’s main window is a view on the identities in your .ssh directory.
    • Instead of adding identities to the agent, the interface let’s you activate identities. Identities can be flagged as Default, and the preferences lets you add the Default identities when the application is launched.
    • There is an Agent Inspector which shows the details of the ssh-agent process. (It also allows you to detach the application from the process, allowing faceless operation.)

Other changes

  • Different preferences format. If you’re only trying out 1.1 make sure you backup your en.uu.phil.* preferences.
  • Eye candy: An animated bubble showing the number of active identities and more beautiful icons. (Thanks Gerti!)

Missing, incomplete, or broken

  • The keychain interaction might be broken.
  • The version checking code is incomplete.
  • No documentation, except this page
  • No source package yet.
  • No internationalization.


Version number 1.1
Operating systems macOS
Website SSH Agent
File size


License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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