Telegram introduces new cache management options

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Telegram has released a new app update. With update 9.3, messages containing media can now be masked. The cache memory in the app can also be managed more finely and the member lists in group conversations can be made invisible.

Telegram gives in a blog post more information about the new features. In it, the messaging service states that messages with photos and videos can be masked via the update so that their content is not immediately visible to a recipient. He must then first click on such messages before they can be viewed.

New cache management options are also introduced. That memory could already be cleaned up automatically, but now Telegram makes it possible to do that per conversation type. The chat service is also introducing a new visual indicator that shows what contents are cached and Telegram is also introducing separate tabs for Media, Files and Music contents.

The chat service also added some new photo editing options and it will also be possible to adjust profile pictures of others so that they are displayed differently to a user. Administrators of groups with more than 100 members will also have the option to make a member list invisible via the new update. This should provide more privacy for the group members involved.

Update, 11:05 am: The verb ‘hidden’ has been replaced by ‘mask’ in the introduction and body text.

Telegram app (version 9.3)

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