Download Piwik 2.4.1

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Version 2.4.1 of Piwik has been released. This program is an open source alternative to Google Analytics. It uses php and a MySQL database to do its job. The functionality can be easily extended with plugins, of which more than twenty are included. Of course you can also turn it off if certain functionality is not needed. For more information about Piwik, please refer to this page and an overview of the schedule is on this page to find. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:

List of 18 tickets closed in Piwik 2.4.1

  • #324 SitesManager fully migrated to AngularJS
  • #5397 Row evolution data export fails when filter_limit is supplied
  • #340 [automatic translation update] Updated 1133 strings in 9 languages ​​(cs, da, el, fr, it, nb, nl, ro, tr)
  • #341 Update from 2.3 to 2.4 breaks db password
  • #345 provide a more useful error message on exception
  • #347 included default value for competitor threads number
  • #348 remove defaults from PHPUnit configuration
  • #4363 Row Evolution shows wrong data when directory and file with identical names exist at same level
  • #4455 Change piwik URL to
  • #5273 Migrate Piwik issues from Trac to Github issues!
  • #5349 Warning: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting ‘}’ in config.ini.php in libs/upgradephp/upgrade.php
  • #5400 When database connection fails, display a useful page to user
  • #5403 When file uploads is disabled, display a meaningful error message
  • #5405 Bar graph loses correct yaxis in when report state is persisted
  • #5411 Transitions on Page Titles regressed in 2.4.0
  • #5809 SQL queries in upgrade files should always work when upgrade is executed several times
  • #346 add XSD to PHPUnit configuration
  • #349 Decouple UI tests from fixtures by using SQL dump of OmniFixture

Version number 2.4.1
Release status Final
Operating systems script language
Website piwik
File size


License type GPL
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