Download Yii PHP Framework 1.1.11

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Yii is a component-based PHP framework, with very good performance according to the developers, making it particularly suitable for developing large-scale web applications. The framework contains many options, such as mvc, dao/ActiveRecord, I18N/L10N, caching, jQuery-based AJAX support, scaffolding, input validation, widgets, events and theming. For more information, please refer to this page. The developers have released version 1.1.11 with the following changes and improvements:

Bug fixed:

  • #098: No correct identity value being returned when using Active Record and mssql (c-schmitz)
  • #114: CUniqueValidator and CExistValidator now respect table alias while creating db query condition (klimov-paul)
  • #145: CGettextMoFile now can parse strings with no context (eagleoneraptor)
  • #148: Fixed the bug in the blog demo that was not deleting right comment when not on the first page (mdomba)
  • #161: CCookieCollection::remove() now accepts an array of cookie options as a second argument to facilitate correct cookie removal (maximcherny)
  • #164: CEmailValidator.checkPort now checks the port 25 of listed MX servers (DaSourcerer)
  • #178: webapp creation with relative paths like ../ was not working correctly (cebe)
  • #193: Changed datetime column type for postgresql from ‘time’ to ‘timestamp’ (cebe)
  • #238: Fixed the problem that empty row could be selected in CGridView when there was no data (mdomba)
  • #295: Sometimes CJSON::decode returns null because native json_encode has bugs and returns null. Workaround to continue decoding when result of json_decode is null (luislobo)
  • #381: Fixed the bug that Gii model name input could get misspelled when autocomplete is used (mdomba)
  • #417: CAttributeCollections::mergeWith() does not take into account the caseSensitive (dmtrs)
  • #433: Fixed the bug that Gii model name input autocomplete was not working sometimes (mdomba)
  • #449: CDbHttpSession and CDbLogRoute now use query builder instead of DAO for proper quoting (mdomba, redguy)
  • #454: Removed translation on CDbConnection exception as it was creating an endless loop if the application used CDbCache (mdomba)
  • #517: Rule parameter sub-patterns are not checked correctly (ranvis)
  • #539: Fixed CUrlRule::createUrl() to treat sub-patterns as Unicode as parseUrl() does (ranvis)
  • #553: Criteria of related AR finders was affected after performing find with relational scopes (marcovtwout)
  • #618: Fixed caching of CWebUser::checkAccess() when it is called first time with and second time without $params (cebe)
  • #660: Fixed error when calling CDbCache::getValues ​​(zilles)
  • #697: Fixed WSDLGenerator now generating proper namespace for certain complexTypes (BBoom)
  • #749: CActiveRecord::refresh() did not work in afterSave() for new records, will now always refresh, when db entry exists (cebe)
  • #769: Fixed the bug that $.fn.yiiGridView.getSelection was not working always if a custom CGridView::template was used (mdomba)
  • #772: CHttpRequest::getIsSecureConnection() was failing on some conditions (bulletbee, samdark)
  • #773: CGridView filters now filter on enter key in Internet Explorer (BBoom)
  • #803: Arbitary non-sorting links in CDataColumn’s header were not working proper way (resurtm)
  • #827: Fixed the problem that CJuiSliderInput was rendering a name attribute for div element (mdomba)
  • #842: Active Records insert fails in MSSQL if a column has a default value of (NULL) (c-schmitz)
  • #852: Fixed the problem that CActiveForm was not revalidating fields if ajax submit was used (mdomba)
  • #859: Fixed CSort::applyOrder() and CSort::getOrderBy() to use custom table aliases (troch, samdark)
  • #865: CLogRoute called processLogs() even if log array was empty and caused empty emails and log files (cebe)
  • #879: Fixed a possible PHP error caused by CWebUser::restoreFromCookie() in combination with CHttpRequest.enableCookieValidation (kidol)
  • #901: Fixed possible encoding problem on exception (mdomba, samdark, cebe)
  • #1000: Added params to profiling token in CDbCommand::execute() to be consistent with CDbCommand::queryInternal() (cebe)
  • #1045: Building a query with empty array as parameter will not result in a broken sql-string anymore(suralc)
  • Fixed CMenu::isItemActive() to work properly when there is a hash in the item’s url (SlKelevro)
  • Added missing return statement to CAuthItem->revoke() (mdomba)
  • CHtml::resolveValue() ignoring of array elements accessor at the beginning of the $attribute argument now works properly (resurtm)


  • #120: Added ability to set cookies in an object based style without specifying the cookie-name twice (suralc)
  • #136: Added ability to select database connection in Gii model generator (samdark)
  • #157: Added ability to use models with objects implementing ArrayAccess as properties in CHtml::resolveValue (samdark)
  • #165: Allow CCacheDependency to be reusable across multiple cache calls (phpnode)
  • #171: Added support for PUT and DELETE request tunneled through POST via parameter named _method in POST body (muskernabe)
  • #179: CLogger now supports filtering profile timings by multiple & wildcard categories (intel352)
  • #191: Added ability to customize HTML classes of CLinkPager via its public properties (mashingan)
  • #206: Added ability to pass CDbCriteria object as AR relation parameter (samdark)
  • #215: Added tokens to CGridView::updateSelectors to allow adding custom selectors instead replacing only (mdomba)
  • #220: The URL pointing to the Google API in CGoogleApi is now protocol relative (suralc)
  • #237: The tabs of CTabView now support the property ‘visible’ (DaSourcerer)
  • #255: Sort CArrayDataProvider when elements is CActiveDataProvider or other object (rusmaxim)
  • #266: Add support for HTML5 url, email, number, range and date fields to CHtml (gregmolnar)
  • #267: CDbHttpSession is now able to store binary payload such as the output of the igbinary serializer (DaSourcerer, samdark)
  • #282: Added CCheckBoxColumn::headerTemplate to allow custom headers (mdomba)
  • #286: Added wildcard token to CDateTimeParser (cebe)
  • #294: Added deniedCallback to CAccessControlFilter and CAccessRule to allow forwarding control to a method on denial (luislobo)
  • #342: Added ability to pass parameters for RBAC bizRules from CAccessControlFilter configuration (claudejanz, samdark)
  • #356: Improved extendability of CDetailView by adding method renderItem() (cebe)
  • #369: Added $hashKey to CCache (kidol)
  • #414: Added sort parameter to yiic message command that sorts messages by key when merging (ranvis)
  • #455: ​​Added support for default value in CConsoleCommand::prompt (eagleoneraptor)
  • #551: Added $safe parameter to CJavaScript::encode. If set to true, ‘js:’ will not be allowed. If you need to pass JavaScript, wrap your code with CJavaScriptExpression instead (samdark)
  • #552: Added support for http-level caching via CHttpCacheFilter (DaSourcerer)
  • #568: CHtml::getIdByName() will now convert spaces to underscore to get proper ID for HTML elements (mdomba)
  • #578: Added extension checks to CMemCache (samdark)
  • #581: Added formatSize method in CFormatter to format file sizes into units of different order – KB, MB, etc (brilyuhns, samdark)
  • #584: Refactored WebAppCommand to be more customizable, added more PHPDoc (samdark)
  • #599: Added case sensitivity check when autoloading classes (qiangxue)
  • #601: added the method loginRequired() to the IWebUser interface (mdomba)
  • #616: CVarDumper is now correctly highligting integer array keys (vernes, samdark)
  • #641: Added support for customizing serialization methods for cache components (DaSourcerer, Qiang)
  • #648: Added filterHtmlOptions property to the CGridColumn component (juban)
  • #652: Added namespace to yiiGridView events, so they can be easily removed by .off() jQuery method (Bethrezen)
  • #673: Changed CClientScript::scripts to be public (mdomba)
  • #675: CDateFormat::format() now returns null if the parameter $time is null (mdomba)
  • #690: Added sender name and proper headers for UTF8 encoding when sending e-mail in SiteController->actionContact() (mdomba)
  • #766: Added ‘userId’ to $params in CDbAuthManager::checkAccess() and CPhpAuthManager::checkAccess() (cebe)
  • #666: Added property $except to CValidator, a list of scenarios that the validator should not be applied to (resurtm)
  • #839: CListView::renderItems now resolves view file only once (nizsheanez)
  • #938: CFileValidator::sizeToBytes() is now public and available for using in the whole application (resurtm)
  • #943: CDateTimeParser is now able to parse short textual representation of month, eg Jan, Jun, Aug (resurtm)
  • #967: Commands from YII_CONSOLE_COMMANDS environment variable are now always added to yiic console application (schmunk)
  • CFileValidator could validate uploaded file by its MIME-type, added $mimeTypes and $wrongMimeType properties (resurtm)
  • Fixed romanian translation to use the better-supported cedilla characters (tudorilisoi)
  • Added default value to CConsoleCommand::confirm (musternabe)
  • Allowed returning integer values ​​as application exit code in CConsoleCommand actions (cebe)
  • Added third parameter to CHttpCookie to configure the cookie by array (suralc)
  • Added getIsFlashRequest(), proper handling of Flash/Flex request when using CWebLogRoute with FireBug (resurtm)
  • Added CBreadcrumbs::$activeLinkTemplate and CBreadcrumbs::$inactiveLinkTemplate properties which allows to change each item’s template (resurtm)
  • Added full-featured behaviors and events CConsoleCommand::onBeforeAction & CConsoleCommand::onAfterAction (Yiivgeny)
  • Added HTML5 history support on ajax requests on CGridView and CListView using History.js v1.7.2-r2 ( from Benjamin Arthur Lupton (lightglitch)
  • Changed CldrCommand to use medium dateTimeFormat and updated 18n data using newest(6546) CLDR (tanakahisateru)
  • Added CErrorHandler::getHttpHeader() to send correct HTTP error codes (pgaultier)
  • CGridView, only rows in tbody should have hover effect (mdomba)
  • CClientScript::$defaultScriptFilePosition and CClientScript::$defaultScriptPosition for controlling default $position argument for registerScriptFile and registerScript (resurtm)
  • CHttpCookie now implements __toString (suralc)
  • Ability to set namespace for module controllers using CWebModule::controllerNamespace, documentation about using namespaced controllers and modules (samdark)
  • Added possibility to set the container for CHtml::radioButtonList and CHtml::checkBoxList() (pgaultier)
  • Added zi romanian(ro) translation; edited core messages to include proper romanian characters with diacritic marks (tudorilisoi)
  • Added ILogFilter interface as an alternative to using CLogFilter as base class for implementing log filters (cebe)
  • CASsetManager, added $forceCopy property which globally forces publication of asset files and directories (resurtm)
  • WebAppCommand has ability to generate fresh application with git or hg specific files (resurtm)
  • Gii default templates: added additional metadata (PHPDoc) of the variables passed into views for better IDE autocompletion (resurtm)
  • WebAppCommand generated application: added additional metadata (PHPDoc) of the variables passed into views for better IDE autocompletion (resurtm)
  • #1053: CComponent::evaluateExpression will allow using global functions as callbacks (Ekstazi)


  • #384: CWebUser::changeIdentity() will now delete old unused session data file (Qiang)
  • #440: Upgraded JQuery UI to 1.8.22 (samdark)
  • #497: Added log component and preloaded it in default console application config in order to properly log errors (samdark)
  • Upgraded jQuery to 1.7.2 (samdark)
  • More unit tests added for CHtml (resurtm)
  • Upgraded bundled markdown parser to v1.2.5 (DaSourcerer)


  • Added TranslationsCommand build command aimed to help translation teams (samdark)

Version number 1.1.11
Release status Final
Operating systems script language
Website Yii PHP Framework
File size


License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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