Download SciTE 3.6.1

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Version 3.6.1 of SciTE has been released. Scintilla Text Editor is an open source and cross platform text editor. It uses the open source Scintilla Text Editor library, which is from the same creators. This library is also used by other programs, including Notepad++. Downloads are available for Windows and Linux, and a commercial version for OS X can be found in Apple’s app store. In addition, there is a stand-alone executable that can be conveniently carried on a USB stick. The changelog of the last two versions can be found below.

Release 3.6.1

  • The oldest version of GTK+ supported now is 2.18 and for glib it is 2.22.
  • On GTK+, SC_CHARSET_OEM866 added to allow editing Russian files encoded in code page 866. Feature #1019.
  • On Windows, reconversion is performed when requested by the IME.
  • CoffeeScript lexer adds lexical class for instance properties and fixes some cases of regex highlighting. Bug #1749.
  • The errorlist lexer understands some ANSI escape sequences to change foreground color and intensity. This is sufficient to color diagnostic output from gcc and clang when -fdiagnostics-color set.
  • The errorlist lexer allows the line number to be 0 in GCC errors as some tools report whole file errors as line 0.
  • MySql lexer fixes empty comments /**/ so the comment state does not continue.
  • VHDL folder supports “protected” keyword.
  • Treat CRLF line end as two characters in SCI_COUNTCHARACTERS. Bug #1757.
  • On GTK+ 3.x, fix height of lines in autocompletion lists to match the font. Switch from deprecated style calls to CSS styling. Removed setting list colors on GTK+ 3.16+ as no longer appears needed.
  • On GTK+, avoid “Invalid rectangle passed” warning messages by never reporting the client rectangle with a negative width or height. Bug #1743.
  • On Cocoa, copy Sci_Position.h into the framework so clients can build.
  • On Cocoa fix bug with drag and drop that could lead to crashes. Bug #1751.
  • Fix SciTE disk exhaustion bug by reporting failures when writing files. Bug #1760.
  • Fix find strip in SciTE on Windows XP to be visible.
  • SciTE on Windows changes the way it detects that a tool has finished executing to ensure all output data from the process is read.
  • SciTE on Windows improves the time taken to read output from tools that produce a large amount of output by a factor of around 10.
  • On GTK+ the keyboard command for View | End of Line was changed to Ctrl+Shift+N to avoid clash with Search | Selection Add Next. Bug #1750.

Release 3.6.0

  • External interfaces use the Sci_Position and Sci_PositionU typedefs instead of int and unsigned int to allow for changes to a 64-bit interface on 64-bit plactforms in the future. Applications and external lexers should start using the new type names so that they will be compatible when the 64-bit change occurs. There is also Sci_PositionCR (long) for use in the Sci_CharacterRange struct which will also eventually become 64-bit.
  • Multiple selection now works over more key commands. The new multiple-selection handling commands include horizontal movement and selection commands, line up and down movement and selection commands, word and line deletion commands, and line end insertion. This change in behaviors is conditional on setting the SCI_SETADDITIONALSELECTIONTYPING property.
  • Autocompletion lists send an SCN_AUTOCCOMPLETED notification after the text has been inserted. Feature #1109.
  • The case mode style attribute can now be SC_CASE_CAMEL.
  • The Python lexer supports substyles for identifiers.
  • SciTE adds support for substyles.
  • SciTE’s Export as RTF and Copy as RTF commands support UTF-8.
  • SciTE can display autocompletion on all IME input with ime.autocomplete property.
  • SciTE properties files now discard trailing white space on variable names.
  • Calling SCI_SETIDENTIFIERS resets styling to ensure any added identifier are highlighted.
  • Avoid candidate box randomly popping up away from edit pane with (especially Japanese) IME input.
  • On Cocoa fix problems with positioning of autocompletion lists near screen edge or under dock. Cancel autocompletion when window moved. Bug #1740.
  • Fix drawing problem when control characters are in a hidden style as they then have a zero width rectangle to draw but modify that rectangle in a way that clears some pixels.
  • Report error when attempt to resize buffer to more than 2GB with SC_STATUS_FAILURE.
  • Fix bug on GTK+ with scroll bars leaking. Bug #1742.
  • LexOthers.cxx file split into one file per lexer: LexBatch, LexDiff, LexErrorList, LexMake, LexNull, and LexProps.
  • SciTE exporters handle styles > 127 correctly now.
  • SciTE on Windows can scale window element sizes based on the system DPI setting.
  • SciTE implements on all platforms, not just Windows.

Version number 3.6.1
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website SciTE
License type GPL
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