Microsoft gives Teams customizable backgrounds and 7×7 grid rendering

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Microsoft Teams has been given customizable backgrounds. A 7×7 grid view will also be added later this year, allowing 49 people to be in view at once. According to Microsoft, the latter function should benefit lessons in education.

The new option to customize backgrounds is available in Teams on scheduled meetings. According to Microsoft, a green screen or white wall is not necessary; the app uses an algorithm to replace the background with another image. From Teams, users can choose numerous backgrounds and now also upload their own images. Teams already had the ability to blur the background.

Microsoft also reports that Teams will get a 7×7 grid view. That functionality will be in preview this month. Starting in the fall, the new view option should be available to all Team users. There will also be a Breakout Rooms option from the fall, which is intended for teachers to create breakout sessions while teaching. For example, a class or group of students can be divided into smaller groups.

Teams for Education will also receive options such as Attendance Reports and Class Insights. This should provide teachers with information about the presence of students and their participation in the online lessons. These options will also be added in the fall. In addition, Microsoft plans to add more control features this summer, such as a Meeting Lobby, in which a teacher can specifically designate students who can attend a particular meeting.

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