Download Mp3tag 3.00

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Florian Heidenreich has released version 3.00 of Mp3tag, a nice round song, but no more than the follow-up to 2.99. With this program, the meta tags of the most common music formats can be modified. Support is provided for ID3v1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, mp4, wma, Vorbis comments and Ape tags. Furthermore, the file names can be modified on the basis of those tags and playlists can be generated. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:


  • Action type ‘Adjust cover’ to resize cover art via actions. (#4662, #12512, #15355, #18061, #45228)
  • Added support for MusicBrainz field MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID to MusicBrainz tag source. (#3591)


  • MusicBrainz cover tag source now also uses multi-field search for album and artist.
  • json_select_array with index parameter now selects the object if array contains objects at web sources framework. (#47371)
  • Improved detection of high contrast modes.
  • Disabled notification messages after changing, removing and saving tags by default.
  • MusicBrainz tag source now also uses multi-field search for album and artist.
  • Added option to set file open dialog filter to all files at converter “Text file – Tag”. (#46868)
  • Changed Discogs tag sources to use album artist instead of artist if present.
  • Changed to use double pipe symbol as SearchBy delimiter for tag sources.
  • Improved visual appearance of menu styles to conform with system defaults.


  • Unspecific error message after add field dialog at extended tag dialog looses focus while no field is selected. (#47427)
  • MusicBrainz release type was not parsed anymore.
  • Multi-field search for tag sources used encoding on whole parameter fragment when building URLs. (#47197)
  • Display error message if non-existent file cannot be renamed. (#46956)
  • Automatically escape special characters used for scripting at chosen file name for action “Import text file”. (#46620)
  • Removed single dash from characters that are replaced from pre-filled search string for MusicBrainz tag source.
  • Removed duplicated entry for ACOUSTID_ID from list of standard tag fields.
  • Extended info in playlists could contain newline characters from tag contents. (#46939, #46998)
  • Clipped text for longer search-by labels at tag sources search dialog. (#46952)
  • Creating action groups with backslashes in its name did not work and was silently discarded. (#46544)
  • Format string helper menu could contain duplicate entries for standard tags fields.
  • Format string helper menu also showed _DIRECTORY and _SEPARATOR as tag fields if used on Tag Panel. (#46861)
  • Improved appearance of menu selection colors and menu text styles and colors in high-contrast modes. (#46799)
  • Buttons to display format string helper menu were not accessible. (#46797)
  • Cover-type submenu or cover-art context-menu was not accessible for screen readers. (#46796)

Version number 3.00
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website Mp3tag
File size


License type Freeware
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