Download Reaper 0.941

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Reaper is a program for the Windows platform that allows audio to be recorded and edited in a multi-track waveform. For an overview of all possibilities, we refer you to this page and for a number of composite examples you can visit this page justly. The developers have been very busy again in recent days and have a new version ready with 0.941 as the version number. The list of changes since the previous entry in the junk tracker looks like this:

Version 0.941:

  • initial region support (shift-R adds a region, etc)
  • improved look of markers
  • fix for muted/unsoled MIDI hw outputs
  • initial preset support for VST/JS, preset system still needs work

Version 0.940:

  • fixed “run fx in worker threads” issues
  • presets for FX

Version 0.939:

  • Preliminary MIDI editing: grid options, snapping, velocity/length controls, saving/reverting, etc
  • new APIs for plugins to register editors for file types, get colorthems, register hotkeys, etc
  • fixed track name updating in mixer view
  • auto sizing of FX window now allocates room for VST scrollbars
  • auto sizing or FX window won’t go too small
  • [update 3:19pm PST – fixed a couple midi editor bugs]
  • [update 11:30pm PST – MIDI: beat/measure colors for grid, better scrolling]

Version 0.938:

  • smte mtc generation option
  • more snapping options, cleanups
  • made hardware midi output not rewrite channel for 0xFx messages
  • items fully overlapping other items replace audio (crossfading if fade set) rather than mix
  • item labels have opaque backgrounds for readability
  • item peaks get border between peaks and edge
  • optimized some low-worker-buffer modes

Version 0.937:

  • moving items down below all tracks adds new tracks
  • removed some old docked mixer border drawing that is obsolete
  • cleaned up some internal track state code
  • fixed track background painting when normal color overridden
  • removed some bad on-exit code
  • fixed some dock clip issues, made resizer custom drawn rather than a control
  • internal (unreleased) midi editor updates

Version 0.936:

  • rendering won’t render main mix when just rendering stems (faster)
  • smpte ltc generator now works properly (thanks steven blumenfeld!), 29.97 df/nd modes
  • fixed rendering errors introduced in .935 (re: SMP support)

Version 0.935:

  • option for not saving undo state on item/track/loop selection changes
  • fixed grid drawing using tempo envelopes on right side of grid
  • main window can be sized down smaller
  • ability to render “stems” in addition to the master mix in render dialog
  • made consolidation not append -consolidated- to filenames if they already have it
  • rendering now utilizes SMP (if worker threads are enabled in the prefs)

Version 0.934:

  • win98 docking window gdi resource bug fix
  • made right clicks in context menus allowed to select items
  • can jump to marker using ctrl+jm, or ctrl+j “namestr”
  • markers > 99 now draw correctly
  • ripple editing setting used when inserting/deleting items
  • fixes to peaks not being rebuilt in certain instances involving drag&drop
  • better snapping labeling, things snap to loop selection now as well
  • static link of soundtouch dll, possible runtime error fix
  • fixed grid line beat 1 drawing again
  • fixed bug where mousewheel could crash in certain instances (in other apps windows)

Version number 0.941
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows XP x64
Website Cockos Incorporated
file size


License type Freeware
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