Download Rainmeter 3.3 r2412 beta

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A new beta release of Rainmeter version 3.3 has been released. This program can display all kinds of useful, but also less meaningful information on the desktop in real time, such as free hard drive space, network activity and whether there is new e-mail. Functional applets can also be used to, for example, make notes or send tweets. Below you will find everything that has changed since the last stable release.

Revision 2412

  • Fixed Net measures: Corrected a bug when using Interface with a number, introduced in r2410. It is important that this new version be used in place of r2410.

Revision 2410

  • Changed Net measures: Changed the values ​​accepted for the Interface option to accept new values ​​of “Best”, which will automatically use the active network interface, or a string value of the name of the desired Network Interface Controller (NIC).
  • Changed SysInfo plugin: Changed the values ​​accepted for the SysInfoData option with network related SysInfoType options to accept new values ​​of “Best”, which will automatically use the active network interface, or a string value of the name of the desired Network Interface Controller (NIC).
  • Changed About / Log: Changed the Time column in the About / Log panel to use the current time in Hours, Minutes, Seconds and Milliseconds rather than elapsed time since Rainmeter was started.

Revision 2402

  • Added Loop: Added new walk measure. This will create a looping counter between two numbers. The loop will start at StartValue, end at EndValue, increment by Increment, and will loop LoopCount (or endless) times. Details and examples can be found at Change Announcements
  • Added NowPlaying: Added a value of Genre to the PlayerType option. This option value is currently supported with the AIMP, CAD, iTunes, WMP and WinAmp PlayerName values.

Version number 3.3 r2412 beta
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8
Website rain gauge
File size


License type Freeware
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