Download JAlbum 7.0

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Version 7.0 of JAlbum has just been released. With this program you can easily generate and edit professional looking photo albums on the Internet. In a clear interface, photos can be easily edited, the order can be adjusted, the appearance of the web page can be determined and the built-in ftp client can upload the result to a home page. The software is developed in Java and is therefore available for a large number of different operating systems. In version 7.0, the emphasis has been placed on making the user interface more user-friendly and clearer. The full changelog for this release is as follows:


  • User interface completely redesigned. The new user interface is intended to be easier to use and more extendable, but not less powerful. Parts of the old tab-based user interface is now hidden under settings windows with only the most frequently used options (skin and style selection) on the main window.
  • Now co-developed on Mac and Windows to ensure that JAlbum should look good and work perfectly on both systems
  • Completely redesigned publish section. The new publish section is also intended to be easier to use, but also more powerful. One can now visually browse a remote server using a directory tree control and manage directories like in any full featured ftp client (add, rename and delete directories).
  • JAlbum now allows you to build virtual album structures. You can pick images and folders from anywhere on your hard disk to your album. Just drag and drop them onto JAlbum!
  • Improved publishing robustness. JAlbum will now reconnect and reattempt serveral times if a file fails to be published before giving up
  • High quality image scaling now considerably faster
  • Minor improvements to file sharing user interface
  • JAlbum now supports variable image sharpening natively (not just via filter plugin)
  • Several languages ​​updated. Thank you all translators!
  • Bundled Chameleon skin updated to v4. More powerful and 3 times as fast!
  • Bundled the popular Flash based BananaAlbum skin (v5.0)
  • Bundled BluPlusPlus skin updated to v3.12
  • Compiled for Windows with updated Excelsior Jet 4.8 compiler
  • Packaged for Mac as a standard dmg distribution

Bug fixes

  • JAlbum would often incorrectly report failure when trying to share albums (when behind many recent routers/firewall units)
  • Album sharing didn’t work behind some Netgear routers
  • JAlbum could halt with various scripting errors if one pressed Make album too soon after loading a skin
  • Tools could not be executed unless a valid image directory was set

[break] Click on the image for a larger version.

Version number 7.0
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Linux, BSD, Windows XP, macOS, OS/2, UNIX, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista
Website JAlbum
License type Freeware
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