Download Drupal 5.1 / 4.7.6

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Drupal is an extensive content management system that works on a large number of platforms. The program can be done through modules be provided with additional functionalities and by using so-called themes can another layout be attached to the cms. For example, it is possible to maintain a news site, forum and/or a collaboration site with Drupal. The developers released versions 5.1 and 4.7.6 with the following announcement:

Drupal 4.7.6 and 5.1 are available for download. These are maintenance releases that fix problems reported using the bug tracking system, as well as a security vulnerability:

Upgrading your existing Drupal sites is strongly recommended.

A complete list of all bug fixes in the DRUPAL-4-7 branch can be found here.
A complete list of all bug fixes in the DRUPAL-5 branch can be found here.[break]The following two files can be downloaded:
Drupal 5.1
Drupal 4.7.6

Version number 5.1 / 4.7.6
Website Drupal
License type GPL
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