Download MotherBoard Monitor 5 PB-2.6

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The development of Motherboard Monitor has clearly accelerated after the announcement to stop (how things can go sometimes…). Today Alex van Kraam has released a new public beta of Motherboard Monitor 5, version 2.6. As with most new MBM versions, there is a respectable list of new features and fixed issues:

Problems Fixed

  • RAS problem
  • Email test button will work even if you don’t check the checkbox
  • fixed a very uncommen bug with the ini file, which means that dashboard info (size, location etc. etc.) are stored in a seperate ini file to avoid file conflict with the settings form. THIS MEANS THAT 1st TIME YOU RUN MBM 5 PB 2.6 YOUR DASHBOARD WILL BE RESET, sorry about that
  • When sending E-mail the program will go into pause mode, this is to fix problem with low interval, where a next alarm could appear before mailing is done
  • FIC SD-11 support
  • You can turn of the fact that the Smbus is detected before the Sensor chip, this is for those few users who need this option, check advanced tab, normally it should always be checked

Items Added

  • Created small program called MBM5HU.EXE, which is the Heat Up program for MBM 5, so all you “heavy cpu cooling” people can relax.
  • Installation program will locate a previous install/location and default to that
  • Settings window will remember position it has been closed at
  • Included the DIMM SPD info into MBM 5, under the system info tab, also updated the Standard Manufacturer’s ID codes, must be around 300 that are supported now.
  • added “are you sure ?” box when you want to delete a log file
  • added some more info to the system info tab of mbm 5, reason was a weird bug where a few INI files where gone, this way I can see this via the system info.
  • adding an option tab to the email tab
  • adding option to send any or all 3 types of interval logs with an alarm email
  • adding option to send any or all 3 types of high/low logs with an alarm email
  • adding option to send any or all 3 types of interval logs with an interval email
  • adding option to send any or all 3 types of high/low logs with an interval email

Version number 5.0 PB 2.6
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000
Website MBM Homepage
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