Download Driver For Ext2Fsd 0.23

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In the submitqueue we found Brainhead’s mess: “Ext2Fsd makes it possible to mount and edit an EXT2 partition in Windows NT/2K/XP. However, everything from this partition is mounted with root privileges, making everything accessible, which is a The project has been in development for some time now and runs stably in regular local communications.” Today the developers of Ext2Fsd have released version 0.23 released† The new release is via this page download and comes with the following changes:

Bug Fixed:

    The following two bugs caused most of the BSODs about removable medias.
  • Ext2ReadSync: Thread stack is paged out, which cases “Event” is invalid.
  • Ext2InitializeVcb: Ext2Global->McbList is referred before initializing.
  • Features Newly Supported:

      Multi code pages supported:

      In registry, there’s a new item named “CodePage”, just change it’s content to the codepage name you want to use. The code page name is the same to linux system. Here’s the code pages list:

        big5 cp1251 cp1255 cp437 cp737 cp775
        cp850 cp852 cp855 cp857 cp860 cp861
        cp862 cp863 cp864 cp865 cp866 cp869
        cp874 cp949 cp950 euc_jp euc_kr iso8859_1
        iso8859_13 iso8859_14 iso8859_15 iso8859_2 iso8859_3 iso8859_4 iso8859_5 iso8859_6
        iso8859_7 iso8859_8 iso8859_9 koi8_r koi8_ru
        koi8_u sjis tis_620 cp936 gb2312 utf8

      If you don’t specify it or make a wrong page type, system default OEM codepage will be used. You must re-start ext2fsd or reboot your system after your changing the codepage setting to make it work for you.

    Version number 0.23
    Operating systems Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
    Website Ext2Fsd
    File size


    License type GPL
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