Qualcomm has scheduled a digital event for Tuesday December 1 for the presumed announcement of the Snapdragon 875. That would be the successor to the Snapdragon 865 that is in many expensive phones this year. The invitation makes no specific mention of the Snapdragon 875, Android reports. Authority. Qualcomm received its own Tech Summit in recent years to present its high-end socs and those presentations were each time in early December. The email does mention that it is a Snapdragon soc with “ premium-tier mobile performance. ” Qualcomm presented the Snapdragon 865 and 765 at its own event last year. the modem of the new soc. That’s not the case with the 865, although the 765 does have a 5G modem on the soc, and Android Authority mentions that Qualcomm may release ‘lite’ versions of the Snapdragon 875 to lower costs for smartphone makers. The costs for the most expensive soc have increased in recent years, resulting in higher smartphone prices.
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