Download WordPress 5.1

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Version 5.1 of WordPress has been released. With this program, which is made available under a GPL license, it is possible to set up and maintain a website or blog. WordPress is easy to set up and can be up and running within five minutes if a server with PHP and MySQL is already available. There are possibilities to further extend the functionality of WordPress with plugins and the look with themes to adjust.

In version 5.0, in addition to a new theme, a completely new editor has also been introduced. However, the old editor is still present and is now called classic editor. In version 5.1, some sharp edges of the new editor have also been removed and it should perform better.

A Little Better Every Day

Version 5.1 of WordPress, named “Betty” in honor of acclaimed jazz vocalist Betty Carter, is available for download or update in your WordPress dashboard.

following WordPress 5.0 — a major release which introduced the new block editor — 5.1 focuses on polish, in particular by improving the overall performance of the editor. In addition, this release paves the way for a better, faster, and more secure WordPress with some essential tools for site administrators and developers.

Site Health

With security and speed in mind, this release introduces WordPress’s first Site Healthfeatures. WordPress will start showing notices to administrators of sites that run long-outdated versions of PHP, which is the programming language that powers WordPress.

When you install new plugins, WordPress’s Site Health features will check them against the version of PHP you’re running. If the plugin requires a version that won’t work with your site, WordPress will keep you from installing that plugin.

Editor Performance

Introduced in WordPress 5.0, the new block editor continues to improve. Most significantly, WordPress 5.1 includes solid performance improvements within the editor. The editor should feel a little quicker to start, and typing should feel smoother.

Expect more performance improvements in the next couple of releases.

Developer Happiness

Multisite Metadata

5.1 introduces a new database table to store metadata associated with sites and allows for the storage of arbitrary site data relevant in a multisite / network context.

Cron API

The Cron API has been updated with new functions to assist with returning data and includes new filters for modifying cron storage. Other changes in behavior affect cron spawning on servers running FastCGI and PHP-FPM versions 7.0.16 and above.

New JS Build Processes

WordPress 5.1 features a new JavaScript build option, following the large reorganization of code that started in the 5.0 release.

Other Developer Goodness

Miscellaneous improvements include:

  • Updates to values ​​for the WP_DEBUG_LOG constant
  • New test config file constant in the test suite, new plugin action hooks
  • Short-circuit filters for wp_unique_post_slug(), WP_User_Query, and count_users()
  • A new human_readable_duration function
  • Improved taxonomy metabox sanitization
  • Limited LIKE support for meta keys when using WP_Meta_Query
  • A new “doing it wrong” notice when registering REST API endpoints

…and more!

Version number 5.1
Release status Final
Operating systems script language
Website WordPress
file size


License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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