Download JAlbum 7.3

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Version 7.3 of JAlbum was released last Sunday. This program makes it easy to generate and edit professional looking HTML photo albums. In a well-arranged user interface, photos can be easily adjusted, the order can be changed, the appearance of the web page can be determined and the result can be placed on a homepage via the built-in ftp client. The software is developed in Java and is therefore available for a wide variety of operating systems. The changelog of this release shows the following changes:


  • Files and folders on your desktop can now be dragged and dropped onto the folder tree of the Publish window for publishing. This makes the Publish feature of JAlbum more general so it can be used to maintain not only albums, but your web site too.
  • In line with the above, the Publish window can now be set to “advanced mode” where not just folders and albums, but also files can be managed. This mode also allows files to be uploaded to the root of MyAlbum accounts, enabling users to customize their welcome pages.
  • The Publish window now orders files and folders alphabetically, folders first.
  • The Publish window now shows the size of albums as they are about to be uploaded.
  • For JAlbum hosting (MyJAlbum) accounts, the Publish window also shows the account size and space left as albums are about to be uploaded
  • More forgiving: Renaming or moving an image directory used by JAlbum outside of JAlbum would often cause broken JAlbum projects (images appearing to be gone as the image directory setting pointed to the old location). JAlbum now repairs a broken image directory reference if found while loading a project. (JAlbum does this by setting the image directory to the same directory as the new project file location)
  • Added assistive icons to the JAlbum user interface to make certain JAlbum settings easier to understand
  • 17 translations updated. Thank you dear translators!
  • Bundled skin XP updated

Bug fixes

  • The “Include photographic data in generated images” setting (previously called “Keep photographic data”) could cause color distortions with some images. Images also grew more in size than neccesary with this setting
  • JAlbum wouldn’t show an error if one tried to open a project that couldn’t be found
  • Renaming a whole album by renaming the root folder (top left of JAlbum window) would cause all kinds of trouble (images and project not being found). JAlbum now takes care of updating references to a renamed album.

Known issues

  • Installing skins in Vista is broken due to Vistas new security system (which prevents an application to add files under its own installation directory). Workaround: Get the .zip version of skins, unzip manually to the “skins” subdirectory of the JAlbum installation directory.

[break] Click on the image for a larger version.

Version number 7.3
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Linux, BSD, Windows XP, macOS, OS/2, Solaris, UNIX, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista
Website JAlbum
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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