Download NewsLeecher 3.9 beta 7

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Yesterday, the seventh beta release of version 3.9 of NewsLeecher came out. This program is often regarded as one of the best of its kind and is intended for downloading binary files from newsgroups. For example, it has support for nzb files, it has a so-called ‘super search’ and can automatically check files for completeness and then extract them. In preparation for version 4.0, there are two major changes in this release. The first is a new and improved cache for retrieving headers from newsgroups. In addition, several changes have been made to the categories of the SuperSearch. The full changelog of this release looks like this:

Changes in version 3.9 beta 7:

  • In preparation for the NewsLeecher Version 4 release, there’re lots of major internal changes in this beta (still invisible to the end-user). Lots of changes mean lots of new possibilities for bugs, so it’s recommended that you stay with the NewsLeecher Final Release if you don’t want to experiment.
  • *BIG ADDITION*: NewsLeecher now implements a new, and much improved header fetching cache, which is used when fetching headers from usenet groups. In earlier versions, NewsLeecher wrote to the disk *extensively* while fetching headers. But due to the new cache, the disk writes are reduced by several hundred percent, meaning much lower resource usage and much higher responsiveness while fetching group headers. Especially when a fast broadband connection is used.
  • *BIG ADDITION*: The SuperSearch ‘Audio’ category has been merged with the ‘General’ category, and the ‘Picture’ category has been replaced by a new ‘Erotica’ search category, due to the vast amount of erotic related groups on usenet . Furthermore, a new SuperSearch subfilter system, which makes it easy to find specific articles types (such as audio related articles), has been added.
  • The SuperSearch ‘Result Filter’ now supports boolean searching.
  • Lots of internal changes have been made to NewsLeecher and SuperSearch in preparation for the upcoming NewsLeecher v4 version.
  • Fixed a serious bug, introduced in the previous beta, where NewsLeecher would consume all system memory under certain circumstances.
  • Smaller bug fixed here and there.


Version number 3.9 beta 7
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista
Website NewsLeecher
File size


License type Shareware
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