Download Elastix 1.5

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Elastix is ​​a package to set up a ‘unified communications’ server with open source software. It uses a standalone Linux environment that includes Asterisk, HylaFAX, Openfire and Postfix to provide PBX, fax, im and email services. For more information and an overview of the possibilities, we refer you to this page. The developers released version 1.5 this week and provided the following announcement:

Elastix 1.5 Ready for download

Dear Elastix community friends, we are proud to announce that Elastix version 1.5 is now available for download in its 32-bit and 64-bit ISO versions. This release took a bit longer than normal because we have made some important improvements. We now use DAHDI instead of Zaptel which brings better support for telephony drivers. Here is a list of some of the changes:

  • 32-bit and 64-bit ISO images generated
  • Asterisk upgraded to
  • FreePBX upgraded to 2.5.1
  • Support for DAHDI
  • Misdn upgraded to 1.1.8
  • Native R2 support included through libopenr2 1.1

Read the complete ChangeLog here.

This release is the first one to have gone through our beta testers scrutiny using our beta testers mailing list . Thanks to this group of community members we have solved bugs ranging from the small and annoying to the serious and critical ones. Thanks go out to all our beta testers because without their work we could not have the even more stable version of Elastix that we are making available today. We would like to give our special thanks to the following hardworking members of our community: Fernando Villares, Bob Fryer, Tzafrir Cohen, Saleh Madi and Frank Danard.

Version number 1.5
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux
Website Palo Santo Solutions
License type GPL
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