Microsoft earns more from tablets but less from Windows

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Microsoft made more money in the past quarter, partly with increased revenue from sales of Surface tablets. At the same time, the company was making less money with Windows and profits fell.

Microsoft earned $1.1 billion from sales of Surface tablets in the past quarter — the second of its broken 2015 fiscal year — up 24 percent, the company reports. Converted that comes down to 978 million euros. According to Microsoft, the increase is mainly due to the Surface Pro 3 and the sale of accessories. Sales of the Surface Pro 3 are a factor of three higher than the Surface Pro 2, Microsoft said when discussing the quarterly figures.

At the same time, the number of Lumia phones sold rose to 10.5 million, compared to 8.2 million a year earlier. It is the first time that more than ten million Lumia phones have been sold in a quarter. Still, the company earned 61 percent less from Windows Phone, presumably because in many cases it was cheaper models like the Lumia 630.

Furthermore, the company sold 6.6 million Xbox consoles, with unclear division between the 360 ​​and the One, and the number of home users with Office 365 rose to 9.2 million, a 30 percent increase. Microsoft also made money with Azure and Dynamic CRM.

In total, Microsoft’s turnover amounted to 26.4 billion dollars, or 23.4 billion euros. A year ago, it was $24.5 billion. Net profit amounted to USD 5.9 billion, converted to EUR 5.2 billion. A year ago, that was still $6.6 billion. The profit was partly affected by a reorganization that Microsoft is currently implementing.

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