GitHub censors content to end Russia blockade
GitHub is coming to terms with the Russian government and is going to censor specific content. The measure is intended to resolve the conflict that both parties have with each other and also ensure the continued existence of the platform in Russia.
GitHub has blocked access to certain banned content in Russia and is currently trying to get the platform back up and running, TechCrunch reports. The terms further clearly emphasize that GitHub may not be used for any illegal or unauthorized purpose.
The company says it occasionally receives requests to censor certain content that violates Russian law. GitHub indicates that it does not always agree with the decisions of the government. However, to ensure that Russian citizens can continue to use GitHub, content sometimes needs to be censored, Github says. The official request that led to the blocking will then be posted online.
The move follows the blockade of GitHub in Russia. The blockade was instituted by the Roskomnadzor, the Russian authority for Communications, Information Technology and Media. GitHub reportedly declined to remove a text describing suicide methods. The site was also blocked once in October.