Download Google Chrome 14.0.835.187

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Google has released a new stable release of version 14 of its Chrome web browser. Google Chrome is available in three different versions: stable, beta and dev. Development versions are at an early stage of development and are therefore the least stable. Version 14 includes a Web Audio API for adding sound effects to web applications, and a Native Client for securely running c and c++ programs in the browser. This update is released to fix issues that may have arisen after Microsoft Security Essentials accidentally recognizes Chrome as a virus.

Stable and Beta Channel Updates

The Chrome Stable channel has been updated to 14.0.835.187, and the Beta channel has been updated to 15.0.874.58. These updates should help repair Chrome installs that were broken due to the issue with Microsoft Security Essentials, discussed on the Chrome Blog† If you find any new issues, please let us know by filing a bug

Version number 14.0.835.187
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, Windows XP, macOS, Windows Vista
Website google
License type Freeware
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