Download phpMyAdmin 2.8.1 RC1

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The developers of phpMyAdmin have recently released the first release candidate of version 2.8.1 of the database management tool. The software can be used from this page be downloaded in different versions. Using phpMyAdmin, a MySQL database can be maintained via a web browser. Not only is it possible to create databases and tables, but they can also be dropped and modified. It is also possible to run queries on the database. This release candidate contains no new features, but the following bug fixes have been made:


  • Unable to login with cookie auth in IIS 4
  • Page variable not preserved on refresh
  • Error on empty BLOB with transformation
  • Search combos default to key zero
  • Dropping base table of a view
  • VIEW data export
  • config.default.php changes not recognized
  • Octet stream download
  • BLOBs centered
  • Processing of theme directory
  • PHP 4.2.2 and array_key_exists()
  • Red border in outdated themes
  • Column expander does not work
  • Loading binary data very slow
  • Export to MS Excel
  • Socket can be empty
  • Export of InnoDB with mysqli
  • Import and — comments
  • Javascript error in new print window
  • CONVERT not in reserved words list
  • Adding foreign key when column has a quote in its name
  • Version number change after update
  • Galician messages do not load
  • Missing property in Theme_Manager class
  • Having sql.php as a default table-page
  • Various import problems
  • Wrong logout link
  • REPLACE reports double results affected


Version number 2.8.1 RC1
Website phpMyAdmin
File size


License type GPL
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