Star Citizen has raised more than $250 million

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Space game Star Citizen has raised more than a quarter of a billion dollars through crowdfunding. Since 2012, it has been possible to give money for the development of the game. In November, developer Cloud Imperium Games raised $9.6 million.

At the time of writing, the counter stands at more than 251 million dollars. That money was contributed by a total of 2,449,420 people. In the past month, 9.6 million dollars was raised. Never before has so much money been committed to the mega project in a month.

November saw the annual CitizenCon, an event where Cloud Imperium Games announces news about the game. This year the developer presented, among other things, the new planet microTech, a Theaters of War mode in which two teams of 20 players each can compete and a website with information about all elements in the game: Galactapedia.

In 2012, the crowdfunding campaign for the development of space mmo Star Citizen began. Players can still pledge money. This can be done by buying the alpha version of the game and by spending money on virtual spaceships in the game. Prices start at a few tens of dollars and can go up to thousands of dollars.

Initially it was intended that the game would be released in 2014, but there is no concrete release date anymore. Cloud Imperium Games claimed during CitizenCon that new technology for procedural generation of planets is now speeding up the development of the game.

In addition to the multiplayer part, there should also be a single player game set in the same universe. That game titled Squadron 42 has been delayed several times in recent years. According to the current schedule, the single player campaign should be released in 2020.

Trailer of the current version of Star Citizen: Alpha 3.7

Promotional video of spaceships for sale in Star Citizen

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