Intel to start shipping Core H octacores at 5GHz for laptops this quarter

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Intel will start shipping its new Core H processors for laptops in the first quarter of this year. Core i7 and Core i9 octacore of this generation will have a clock speed of more than 5GHz, claims the manufacturer.

Intel executive vice president Gregory Bryant makes known that the tenth-generation Core H processors will still be delivered in the first three months of 2020. Whether this also means that laptops with those chips will already be available is unknown. Intel is facing increasing competition in the high-end laptop market with the arrival of AMD’s Ryzen 4000H hexacores and octacores.

Intel unveiled the Core H generation earlier this week without giving much detail. However, the company emphasized that Core i7s of this generation work at 5GHz and higher and Core i9s are clocked higher than 5GHz. These are 14nm Comet Lake H processors that appear as Core i 10xxxH.

Intel showed on its slide that it concerns octacores with support for processing sixteen threads. On a previously leaked roadmap, Comet Lake H was set for release at the start of the second quarter. The roadmap stated that in addition to octacores, decacores, with ten cores, will also appear. Intel did not mention it at its CES presentation.

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