Download WinRAR 5.01 Beta 1

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RAR Labs has released the first beta release of version 5.01 of its RAR and WinRAR archiving tools. The popular compression tool is available for a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and OS X. The program handles most common formats – including rar, zip, cab, arj, lzh, tar, gz, ace, uue, bz2, jar, iso, 7z and z – has a skinnable interface and support for Zip64 and multivolume cab files. Version 5.01 is a so-called maintenance release and therefore mainly contains bug fixes.


  • RAR 5.0 archives can include an optional quick open information controlled with -qo[-|+] switch or “Quick open information” options group in archiving dialog. It allows to open the archive contents in WinRAR faster.
    This version provides better update performance for archives containing both quick open information and service records, such as NTFS file security. Also default parameters of quick open information are optimized to achieve faster open time for such archives.

Bug fixed:

  • “Find” command could fail when searching text string in .7z archives;
  • when opening RAR 5.0 archive with encrypted file names stored in another such archive, WinRAR could issue an erroneous message that password is incorrect. It happened only if passwords to inner and outer archives were different. it did not affect extraction, all files could be unpacked regardless of this message;
  • option “Use for all archives” in password dialog did not suppress additional password requests for RAR 5.0 archives with encrypted file names;
  • WinRAR address bar did not process correctly environment variable based paths, such as %temp%;
  • failure NTFS file security and alternate data streams did not work for file pathnames longer than 260 characters;
  • “Test” command could erroneously report damaged data in valid recovery record if only a part of files in RAR 5.0 archive was tested. It did not happen if entire archive contents was tested;
  • “Test” command erroneously reported errors when verifying RAR 4.x Unix symbolic links;
  • WinRAR “View” command did not work for files inside of BZIP2 archives;
  • if “High precision modification time” option in archiving dialog was turned off, WinRAR did not store the modification time at all instead of storing a lower precision time;
  • destination paths containing . or .. component did not work when extracting non-RAR archives in WinRAR command line mode;
  • WinRAR failed to unpack multivolume CAB archives.

The following downloads are available:
WinRAR 5.01 beta 1 (32bit)
WinRAR 5.01 beta 1 (64bit)
RAR 5.01 beta 1 for Linux (32bit)
RAR 5.01 beta 1 for Linux (64bit)
RAR 5.01 beta 1 for FreeBSD
RAR 5.01 beta 1 for OS X

Version number 5.01 beta 1
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, BSD, Windows XP, macOS, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8
Website RAR Labs
File sizes

483.00KB – 1.88MB

License type Shareware
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