Download SecureCRT 6.7.0

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VanDyke Software has released the final release of version 6.7.0 of SecureCRT. SecureCRT is, simply put, a extensive version of Putty. Slightly less simple, it is a client for remote control, file transfers and data tunneling using ssh. Ssh is a method of establishing a secure connection between two computers, in which both the data and part of the IP traffic is encrypted. Since version 6.6.0 there is also a version of SecureCRT for Mac OS X and in version 6.7.0 there is also a Linux client. Since version 6.7.0 beta 1, the following changes and improvements have been made:

Changes in SecureCRT 6.7 (Official)

Bug fixes:

  • The SHIFT+INS paste accelerator did not work when a custom menu (.MNU) was being used.

Changes in SecureCRT 6.7 (Beta 5)

Bug fixes:

  • If “/POS” was the only option specified on the command line, SecureCRT attempted to use the last argument as the remote host.
  • If the SecureCRT window was resized and trace options were on, the event was traced.

Changes in SecureCRT 6.7 (Beta 4)

Bug fixes:

  • SecureCRT could crash on exit due to the way threads were being cleaned up.
  • SecureCRT crashed if a session with the “Auto reconnect” and “Close on disconnect” options enabled was disconnected.
  • SecureCRT crashed after pressing OK on the “Session Options”, “Lock Session”, or “Confirm Disconnect” dialog if the session that launched it had been closed after the dialog was displayed.
  • SecureCRT crashed after pressing OK on a script dialog if the session that launched the script had been closed after the dialog was displayed.
  • When the /F parameter was used on the command line to specify the location of the configuration folder and the menu or toolbar was customized, the changes were not saved.
  • A pop-up error message was displayed if the script method GetOption() was called with an unknown option name.
  • Serial: After connecting to a Windows COM port and then pressing any key, the CPU was pegged.
  • SSH2/SSH1: When a session established a port forward that launched an application, if the session attempted to connect using both an IPv4 and IPv6 address, two instances of the application were launched.
  • Windows: On Windows XP, if the display theme was set to Blue, Black, Aqua, or Silver and more than one SecureCRT window was connected to a session and “Send chat to all tabs” was used to send text to one of the sessions , it caused the other window to freeze.
  • Mac: If SecureCRT was run on a Mac system with the keyboard and mouse being controlled from another system running Synergy in server mode, the arrow keys did not work.
  • Mac: In the “Connect” dialog, the search string from the “Find Session” dialog was not remembered for subsequent searches.

Changes in SecureCRT 6.7 (Beta 3)

Bug fixes:

  • If the Connect bar was removed from the toolbar through customization and then SecureCRT was restarted, attempting to bring up the customization dialog caused SecureCRT to crash.
  • If a script that called Crt.Screen.Send() was repeatedly run, it could cause terminal corruption and possibly a crash.
  • Under certain circumstances, after editing the Default session and attempting to apply the changes to all sessions, SecureCRT hung.
  • Scripts that called Crt.Screen.Send() to send end of line characters had different behavior than they did prior to version 6.7.
  • After pressing the ALT key and then the ENTER key, SecureCRT attempted to connect to a host named “”.
  • When the SecureCRT window was resized by dragging the mouse, the rows and columns displayed in the status bar were not updated until the mouse button was released.
  • If the Connect bar was removed from the toolbar through customization and SecureCRT was restarted, the Global Options dialog incorrectly showed that the Connect bar was visible.
  • Mac and Linux: SecureCRT crashed when attempting to connect to a session with a misconfigured HTTP firewall.

Changes in SecureCRT 6.7 (Beta 2)


  • Removed warning message about toolbar and menu bar needing to be updated.
  • Linux: On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5, the SecureCRT launcher icon is now installed into the Gnome system panel menu.

Bug fixes:

  • Windows: It was not possible to get the Connect bar back if it was removed from the toolbar.
  • Windows: The Connect bar did not work when it was placed on the menu bar.
  • Windows: On Windows 7, if the corner of the SecureCRT window was dragged to the top of the desktop, the full height option did not work.
  • Mac: When the accelerator COMMAND+` was used to cycle through the SecureCRT windows, a “`” character was inserted into the session.
  • Mac: If two sessions were connected in different windows and one of the sessions was maximized and the second session was dragged into the first window and then sent out to a new window, the second session was not the correct size.
  • Mac/Linux: If an invalid license was on the clipboard, the license wizard did not display the correct text.
  • Linux: On 32-bit Ubuntu 10.x, it was not possible to add SSH1 keys to the agent.
  • Linux: Selecting “Exit” from the File menu closed all SecureCRT windows instead of just the current window.
Version number 6.7.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 2000, Linux, Windows XP, macOS, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008
Website VanDyke Software
File sizes

8.50MB – 17.70MB

License type Shareware
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