Download URD 1.12.0

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Version 1.12.0 of URD has been released. URD stands for Usenet Resource Downloader. With this program files from usenet can be downloaded. This can be done by using nzb files, but the program is also capable of analyzing a newsgroup itself and generating a download set for a specific collection of files. URD is being developed for Linux and BSD, and is released under an open source license. The changelog for version 1.11.0 shows the following changes and improvements:

URD 1.12:

This new version has a couple of new features, as well as some more bugfixes and other issues that are resolved. The major new features are

  • Added posting spots
  • Added side bar for advanced search, spots category filters, etc
  • Added viewing icons in spots and spot comments
  • Added option to save the NZB file of uploaded content

Also note that older browsers are no longer supported, which generally makes the browser interface faster.

If you have any trouble installing, using or otherwise, or have any suggestions for improvements, new features or want to contribute in any other way: don’t hesistate to post them on the URDland forum or use our GitHub page. And don’t forgot to follow the @urdland twitter account!

The complete changelog is:

– Added posting spots
– Added option to set the timeout for which a server will not be used after a connection timed out error
– Added side bar for advanced search, spots category filters, etc
– Added viewing icons in spots and spot comments
– Added download NZB button to mini basket
– Added hide/delete buttons to the bottom of the sets tables
– Added new search options, and changed some to https
– Added displaying of Avatars to comments
– Save the NZB file of uploaded content
– Deprecated database settings not relying on PDO (ie mysql, mysqli, postgres[789] – only pdo access to the database is now supported
– Speed ​​up of downloading spots, spot comments and spot reports
– Fixed some handling of selecting multiple sets at once
– Fixed bug in saving some settings
– Fixed a bug in not handling the expire settings correctly on loading spots and expiring spots
– Fixed a bug in not using the correct expire settings on loading spots comments and reports
– Fixed issue on some browsers (Opera, and Safari) not able to use the basket buttons
– Fixed a bug in loading the group settings (thanx to Reab4)
– Fixed a bug in handling the expire date (thanx to Reab4)
– Fixed a bug in not running spots expire automatically after spots are updated
– Fixed a bug in handling connection timeouts on downloads
– Fixed a bug in setting admin config time values ​​(thanx to Reab4)
– Fixed a bug not expiring extsetdata when expiring spots
– Fixed an odd bug not showing some statistics
– Fixed a bug in previewing files, not always displaying the right file or displaying the file right
– Fixed a bug not setting the default languages ​​correctly in the installer
– Fixed a bug not handling edit rights properly in the view_files pages
– Rearranged the configuration a bit.
– Cleanup stylesheets and replaced images by css
– Updated smarty to 3.1.21
– Updated to jquery 2.1.1 – note IE 6-8 are no longer supported

Version number 1.12.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux
Website URD country
File size


License type GPL

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