Image from paper AMD hints at apu with 32 Zen cores and 32GB hbm2 memory

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AMD has posted an image in a study, in which it hints at an APU with 32 Zen cores and 32GB of HBM2 memory. Such an APU is currently not on the roadmap. It is unlikely that the product would appear for the consumer market.

The image is a schematic representation of an Exascale Heterogeneous Processor and is featured in an AMD paper available online at the IEEE citing the Italian site Bits and Chips. The apu should be released in 2016 or 2017.

Given the timing, the visible 32 CPU cores are most likely Zen cores, which AMD would soon adopt with new APUs. The said GPU would then be based on Greenland, notes WCCFTech. The diagram also shows eight blocks with four units of dram each. When it comes to hbm2, the new generation 3d memory from Hynix, it would be a total of 32GB.

Such apu has not yet appeared on AMD’s roadmap. It is unlikely that such apu would be available to consumers.

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