Download SciTE 3.6.7

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Version 3.6.7 of SciTE has been released. Scintilla Text Editor is an open source and cross platform text editor. It uses the open source Scintilla Text Editor library, which is from the same creators. This library is also used by other programs, including Notepad++. Downloads are available for Windows and Linux, and a commercial version for OS X can be found in Apple’s app store. In addition, there is a stand-alone executable that can be conveniently carried on a USB stick. The following changes and improvements have been made in this release:

Release 3.6.7

  • C++11 range-based for loops used in SciTE so GCC 4.6 is now the minimum supported version.
  • SC_CHARSET_DEFAULT now means code page 1252 on Windows unless a code page is set. This prevents unexpected behavior and crashes on East Asian systems where default locales are commonly DBCS. Projects which want to default to DBCS code pages in East Asian locales should set the code page and character set explicitly.
  • SCVS_NOWRAPLINESTART option stops left arrow from wrapping to the previous line. Most commonly wanted when virtual space is used. Bug #1648.
  • The C++ lexer can fold on #else and #elif with the property. Bug #210.
  • The errorlist lexer detects warnings from Visual C++ which do not contain line numbers.
  • The HTML lexer no longer treats “Bug #767.
  • The HTML lexer fixes a problem resuming at a script start where the starting state continued past where it should. Bug #1849.
  • When inserting spaces for virtual space and the position is in indentation and tabs are enabled for indentation then use tabs. Bug #1850.
  • Fix fold expand when some child text is not styled. Caused by fixes for Bug #1799. Bug #1842.
  • Fix key binding bug on Cocoa for control+. Bug #1854.
  • Fix scroll bar size warnings on GTK+ caused by #1831. Bug #1851.
  • Small fixes for GTK+ makefile. Bug #1844. Bug #1845. Bug #1846.
  • Fix SciTE indentation after code like “void function() {}”.
  • Fix SciTE global regex replace of “^” with something which missed the line after empty lines with LF line ends. Bug #1839.
  • Fix SciTE on GTK+ 3.20 bug where toggle buttons on find and replace strips did not show active state. Bug #1853.

Version number 3.6.7
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 10
Website SciTE
License type GPL
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